Our Impact

Global Press journalism gives people the tools they need to combat injustice and inequality. Equipped with comprehensive knowledge of their communities, people can examine facts and make informed decisions about their lives.

Global Press consistently proves that changing the narrative changes the world.

People all over the world use our reporting as a foundation for education, movement building, and policy reform. Most recently, our coverage of mercury being used to mine for gold led to the government of Zimbabwe banning the use of the toxic element.

Our reporting has sparked change from Mongolia to Mexico.


Global Press Journal Mongolia reporter Khorloo Khukhnokhoi wrote a story in 2021 on schoolgirls being forced to undergo virginity tests. A few months later, the government issued regulation to stop it. In July 2022, Khorloo published a follow-up investigation that found the practice continued. In October 2022, the government officially banned virginity testing in schools.


Movement Building

Global Press Journal Mexico reporter Maya Piedra published a story in 2021 about how commercial fishing was depleting stock and devastating local fishing in the local tourism area of Nayarit. After the story was published, local restaurants and farmers created a seal that tells patrons which fish were caught sustainably.


Meanwhile, our journalism continues to create a more informed and inclusive world.


Banning a discriminatory hair policy at schools in Uganda

In 2016, our story about a discriminatory hair policy in schools in Uganda spurred teenage activists and their parents into action. The policy has now been banned in schools across Uganda.

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Establishing daycares at the border between DRC and Rwanda

After our reporters wrote in 2016 about how young children were left to babysit infants all day while their mothers worked, a network of funders built a free daycare at the border.

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Policy Reform

Jump-starting a stalled Truth and Reconciliation Commission in Nepal

A 2020 story about the failures of Nepal’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission that left more than 69,000 cases unheard prompted the government to reconvene the commission and begin hearing cases.

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Policy Reform

Stopping the eviction of tens of thousands in Kashmir

Our 2018 story on a massive dam prevented the eviction of tens of thousands of people in Indian-administered Kashmir

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Galvanizing advocacy around rights violations of Nepalese migrant workers

In 2016 and on, we reported how Nepalese migrant workers were subject to fraud, overcharging of fees and confiscation of passports. Global Press was later cited in a bill that would offer health insurance to injured returned Nepalese workers.

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Policy Reform

Publicizing Mexican farmers’ efforts to reduce pollution, which led to reform

Our 2021 story about Mexican farmers working to reduce pollution led to the city allowing stover burns on certain days and times, with penalties for those who do not follow the rules.

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Our exceptional journalism is cited by some of the largest institutions in the world. This is the first step toward narrative change.

Our 2021 story on a surge in COVID cases in Mongolia was cited by medical journals including Health Science Reports in 2023

Our 2020 story on exhuming a controversial colonialist from a sacred site in Zimbabwe was cited in 2022 by a research center at the Hague

Our 2020 story on women seeking illegal abortions in Mexico was cited in medical journal Contraception in 2022

Our 2017 story on Nepal's anti-child labor laws was cited by the United States' 2022 update of a 2005 Trafficking Victims Protection Act

Our 2020 story on pandemic-induced devastation to tourism in Puerto Rico was cited in a U.S.-funded report on recovery efforts

Our 2021 story about COVID patients saddled with steep bills at hospitals in Uganda was cited in the African Feminist LEADERS’ Journal in 2022

Our 2019 package on reproductive rights was listed by the WHO as one of its eight resources on sexual health in 2022

Our 2021 story on conflict-induced mental illness was cited 8 times in a 2022 report by a Swiss refugee aid agency

Our 2020 story on early marriage in DRC was cited by Canada’s immigration and refugee board in 2021

Our 2017 story about child labor in Nepal was cited in a 2021 U.S. Department of Labor document

Our 2019 story about breastfeeding in Zambia was cited in a 2021 study published in the Int Breastfeed medical journal

Our 2018 story on Zimbabweans learning Mandarin was cited in the 2021 book “China in Africa: Between imperialism and partnership in humanitarian development”

Our 2020 story about sex workers in Uganda was cited in a 2020 article in the Pan African Medical Journal

Our 2019 story on the earthquake in Nepal was republished by the Nepalese government in 2019

Our 2012 story on LGBT individuals in Zimbabwe was cited in a 2021 report by the nonprofit International Gay Bisexual Trans and Intersex Association

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